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大鼠 8 羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG)酶联免疫检测
试剂盒使用说明书 AE90828Ra
来检测大鼠 8 羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG),只能用于研究用途,不得用于医学诊断。
用 途:用于大鼠血清、血浆及相关液体样本中 8 羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG)测
大鼠 8 羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG)水平。向预先包被了大鼠 8 羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG)
单克隆抗体的酶标孔中加入 8 羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG),温育;温育后,加入生物
素标记的抗 P 抗体。再与链霉亲和素-HRP 结合,形成免疫复合物,再经过温育
和洗涤,去除未结合的酶,然后加入底物 A、B,产生蓝色,并在酸的作用下转
化成zui终的黄色。颜色的深浅与样品中大鼠 8 羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG)的浓度呈正
试剂盒组成 48 孔配置 96 孔配置 保存
说明书 1 份 1 份
封板膜 2 片(48) 2 片(96)
密封袋 1 个 1 个
酶标包被板 1×48 1×96 2-8℃保存
标准品 800pg/ml 0.5ml×1 瓶 0.5ml×1 瓶 2-8℃保存
标准品稀释液 3ml×1 瓶 6ml×1 瓶 2-8℃保存
链霉亲和素-HRP 3 ml×1 瓶 6 ml×1 瓶 2-8℃保存
生物素标记的抗 P
0.5ml×1 瓶 1 ml×1 瓶 2-8℃保存
显色剂 A 液 3 ml×1 瓶 6 ml×1 瓶 2-8℃保存
显色剂 B 液 3 ml×1 瓶 6 ml×1 瓶 2-8℃保存
终止液 3ml×1 瓶 6ml×1 瓶 2-8℃保存
浓缩洗涤液 (20ml×20 倍)×1 瓶 (20ml×30 倍)×1 瓶 2-8℃保存
AMEKO +86- 557585281 2 +86- :biolzy@yahoo.cn
1. 37℃恒温箱。
2. 标准规格酶标仪。
3. 精密移液器及一次性吸头
4. 蒸馏水,
5. 一次性试管
6. 吸水纸
1. 从 2-8℃取出的试剂盒,在开启试剂盒之前要室温平衡至少 30 分钟。酶标包
2. 各步加样均应使用加样器,并经常校对其准确性,以避免试验误差
3. 严格按照说明书的操作进行,试验结果判定必须以酶标仪读数为准.
4. 为避免交叉污染,要避免重复使用手中的吸头和封板膜。
5. 不用的其它试剂应包装好或盖好。不同批号的试剂不要混用。保质前使用。
6. 底物 B 对光敏感,避免长时间暴露于光下。
用力拍几次;将稀释后的洗涤液至少 0.35ml 注入孔内,浸泡 1-2 分钟。根据需
1.不能检测含 NaN3 的样品,因 NaN3 抑制辣根过氧化物酶的(HRP)活性。
AMEKO +86- 557585281 3 +86- :biolzy@yahoo.cn
1. 标准品的稀释:(本试剂盒提供原倍标准品一支,用户可按照下列图表在小
400pg/ml 5 号标准品 120μl 的原倍标准品加入 120μl 标准品稀释液
200pg/ml 4 号标准品 120μl 的 5 号标准品加入 120μl 标准品稀释液
100pg/ml 3 号标准品 120μl 的 4 号标准品加入 120μl 标准品稀释液
50pg/ml 2 号标准品 120μl 的 3 号标准品加入 120μl 标准品稀释液
25pg/ml 1 号标准品 120μl 的 2 号标准品加入 120μl 标准品稀释液
2. 根据代测样品数量加上标准品的数量决定所需的板条数。每个标准品和空白
3. 加样:1)空白孔,空白对照孔不加样品,生物素标记的抗 8-OHdG 抗体,链
霉亲和素-HRP,只加显色剂 A&B 和终止液,其余各步操作相同;2)标准品
孔:加入标准品 50ul,链霉亲和素-HRP50ul(标准品中已事先整合好生物素
抗体,故不加);3)代测样品孔:加入样本 40ul,然后各加入抗 8-OHdG 抗
体 10ul、链霉亲和素-HRP50ul,盖上封板膜,轻轻震荡混匀,37℃温育 60
4. 配液:将 30 倍浓缩洗涤液用蒸馏水 30 倍稀释后备用。
5. 洗涤:小心揭掉封板膜,弃去液体,甩干,每孔加满洗涤液,静置 30 秒后
弃去,如此重复 5 次,拍干。
6. 显色:每孔先加入显色剂 A50ul,再加入显色剂 B50μl,轻轻震荡混匀,37℃
避光显色 15 分钟.
7. 终止:每孔加终止液 50μl,终止反应(此时蓝色立转黄色)。
8. 测定:以空白空调零,450nm 波长依序测量各孔的吸光度(OD 值)。 测定应
在加终止液后 10 分钟以内进行。
AMEKO +86- 557585281 4 +86- :biolzy@yahoo.cn
9. 根据标准品的浓度及对应的 OD 值计算出标准曲线的直线回归方程,再根据
样品的 OD 值在回归方程上计算出对应的样品浓度。也可以使用各种应用软
1.样品线性回归与预期浓度相关系数 R 值为 0.92 以上。
2.批内与批间应分别小于 9%和 15%
有效期:6 个月(2-8℃)。
加入准备好的样品和标准品,生物素标记的二抗和酶标试剂,37℃反应 60 分钟
洗板 5 次,加入显色液 A、B,37℃显色 15 分钟
10 分钟内读 OD 值
AMEKO +86- 557585281 5 +86- :biolzy@yahoo.cn
Rat 8-Hydroxy-desoxyguanosine
This kit is only for scientific research, and shall not be used as a clinical diagnosis of use. Purpose
This kit allows for the determination of 8-OHdG concentrations in Rat serum, cell culture
supernatant, and other biological fluids. Principle
The kit assay Rat 8-OHdG level in the sample,add Rat 8-OHdG antibody to microtiter plate
wells, after Incubating,add Biotinylated anti –8-OHdG -antibody , then Combined
Streptavidin-HRP, become complex, after Incubating and washing Compley, Add TMB
substrate solution,TMB substrate becomes blue color, reaction is terminated by the addition of
a sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a
wavelength of 450 nm. The concentration of 8-OHdG in the samples is then determined by
comparing the O.D. of the samples to the standard curve. Materials provided with the kit
Materials provided with the
kit 48determinations 96 determinations Storage
User manual 1 1
Closure plate membrane 2 2
Sealed bags 1 1
Microelisa stripplate 1 1 2-8℃
Standard:800pg/ml 0.5ml×1 bottle 0.5ml×1 bottle 2-8℃
Standard diluent 3ml×1 bottle 6ml×1 bottle 2-8℃
Streptavidin-HRP 3ml×1 bottle 6ml×1 bottle 2-8℃
Biotinylated anti –8-OHdG
0.5ml×1 bottle 1ml×1 bottle 2-8℃
Chromogen Solution A 3ml×1 bottle 6ml×1 bottle 2-8℃
Chromogen Solution B 3ml×1 bottle 6ml×1 bottle 2-8℃
AMEKO +86- 557585281 6 +86- :biolzy@yahoo.cn
Stop Solution 3ml×1 bottle 6ml×1 bottle 2-8℃
wash solution
(20ml×20 fold)
(20ml×30 fold)
Materials required but not supplied
1. 37 ℃ incubator
2. Standard microplate reader(450nm)
3. Precision pipettes and Disposable pipette tips. 4. deionized water. 5. Disposable Test tube
6 Absorbent paper
Important notes
1. The kit takes out from the refrigeration environment should be balanced 15-30 minutes in
the room temperature, ELISA plates coated if has not use up after opened, the plate should
be stored in Sealed bag. 2. add Sample with sampler Each step, And proofread its accuracy frequently, avoids the
experimental error. 3. Please according to use 8-OHdGtruction strictly, The test result determination must take
the microtiter plate reader as a standard. 4. Use new disposal plastic pipette tips and Closure plate membrane for each standard, in
order to avoid cross contamination. 5. Do not mix reagents with those from other lots. 6. The substrate evade the light preservation. Specimen requirements
1. extract as soon as possible after Specimen collection,and according to the relevant
literature, and should be experiment as soon as possible after the extraction. If it can’t, specimen can be kept in -20 ℃ to preserve, Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. 2. Can’t detect the sample which contain NaN3, because NaN3 inhibits HRP active.
AMEKO +86- 557585281 7 +86- :biolzy@yahoo.cn
Assay procedure
1. Dilute and add sample:Dilute Original density Standard as follow table:
400pg/ml 5 Standard 120μl Original density Standard+120μl Standard diluent
200pg/ml 4 Standard 120μl 5 Standard+120μl Standard diluent
100pg/ml 3 Standard 120μl 4 Standard+120μl Standard diluent
50pg/ml 2 Standard 120μl 3 Standard +120μl Standard diluent
25pg/ml 1 Standard 120μl 2 Standard +120μl Standard diluent
2. according testing Sample numbers to define how many wells nedd, Standard and blank
suggested Do holes. 3.add sample:1) blank wells: (blank comparison wells don’t add sample , Biotinylated anti –8-OHdG -antibody and Streptavidin-HRP ,other each step operation is same); 2) Standard
wells: add Standard 50μl and Streptavidin-HRP 50μl; 3) testing Sample wells: add sample
40μl,then add anti –8-OHdG-antibody 10μl , Streptavidin-HRP 50μl. closing plate with Closure
plate membrane ,incubate for 60 min at 37℃. 4.Configurate liquid: 30-fold(or 20-fold) wash solution diluted 30-fold (or 20-fold) with distilled
water and reserve. 5.washing:Uncover Closure plate membrane, discard Liquid, dry by swing, add washing buffer
to every well, still for 30s then drain, repeat 5 times, dry by pat. 6.color:Add Chromogen Solution A 50ul and Chromogen Solution B to each well, evade the
light preservation for 15 min at 37℃
7.Stop the reaction : Add Stop Solution50μl to each well, Stop the reaction(the blue color
change to yellow color). 8.assay:take blank well as zero , Read absorbance at 450nm after Adding Stop Solution and
within 10min. 9. Calculate of result
AMEKO +86- 557585281 8 +86- :biolzy@yahoo.cn